• Accompanying Families
    to Make Life Affirming Choices.


Participate in the Culture of Life, Reach More Families

Total Abortion Minded Women Served in 2023: 682

Given the exponential growth of online abortion options since the Dobbs decision, we are committed to increasing our marketing outreach to women facing an unexpected pregnancy by 15% by the end of 2025.  Help us minister to more women in these three ways!

Bloom has been serving the North Texas Community since 2009.  We celebrate life in all we do.


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Making a gift for the benefit of Bloom Pregnancy Help Center after you are gone is a wonderful way to create a lasting legacy and ensure that our ministry to women facing an unexpected pregnancy will be there for generations to come.

For more information, call/email Kris Vetter, CEO, at 214-631-2402, kris@bloomphc.org or click here.